concrete5 8.2.1 がリリース
2017年8月3日、 concrete5 の最新版である 8.2.1 がリリースされました。concrete 8.x を利用しているサイトすべてにこのバージョンへのアップグレードを強く推奨します。
8.2.1 リリースノート
- Express オブジェクトの管理画面インタフェースに検索機能を追加
- Added associations to Express Object Listing Interfaces
- CKEditor を 4.7.1 にアップグレード (thanks MrKarlDilkington)
- Added the ability to specify multiple attributes in a mask format for listing attributes in associations in Express. (e.g. %first_name% %last_name% to populate the entity dropdown.)
- Added the ability to open a link in a lightbox once again (thanks mnakalay)
- Improved viewing of videos in the file manager (thanks deek87)
- Improved performance and memory usage when importing images (thanks mlocati)
- Fixed: ページリストブロックのページネーションがログアウトすると「前へ」「次へ」しか表示されないバグを修正
- 5.7 の多言語サイトから 8.2 へアップグレードする際の Stack 関連のアップグレードの機能を修正 (thanks mlocati)
- New asynchronous thumbnail generation was passing height along twice, instead of width and height. This is now fixed. (thanks danklassen)
- Fixed bug where incorrect primary key definition lead the Express Entry Detail block to not save properly.
- Fixed: Search block pagination isn't working
- Fixed bug where Express Entity Selector wasn’t working.
- Fixed SQL injection in file folder parameter accessible to logged in users
- Pagelist update so the topic tree choice affects the preview pane (thanks seanom)
- Fix inability to search pages, users or files in advanced search by boolean attributes
- Fixed Multilingual: Navigate Sitemap does not reflect language
- Added permissions to user lists
- Fixed bug where remote update wasn't able to retrieve information about upcoming releases.
- Fixed: Prevent infinite loop in Next/Previous block under certain conditions.
- Fixed bug with page aliases displaying many times in the sitemap.
- Fixed bug where FileList items repeating in pagination results, pagination doesn't appear
- Fixed miscellaneous permissions errors when updating certain sites from 5.7 to 8.2. (thanks Ruud-Zuiderlicht)
- Fix: Wrong icons for sort order of files in file sets (thanks deek87)
- Fixed: New optional asynchronous thumbnail builder does not load underscore JS. (thanks Seanom)