
2011年8月16日 at 11:20


本家5.4.2 Release Notes

5.4.2 Release Notes
■New Features(新機能)
Composer Beta, a single page editing interface for publishing content. Ideal for blogs, the concrete5 way.
Multilingual Improvements, including added GUI for setting default language for site, user-specific interface translation, settable on login. Low level support for free multilingual add-on for running multilingual sites
Form block contains new HTML5 field types (thanks 12345j)

■Bug Fixes & Security Improvements(バグフィックス&セキュリティ強化)
Fixed common bug displaying a message that sitemap couldn't be loaded on certain systems
Fixed bug where Google Map and certain other blocks would display edit mode views when in display mode.
Fixed bug where form couldn't be emailed to multiple people.
Fixed bug with sites that contain apostrophes not installing correctly (Thanks Mnkras)
Fixing bug on editing a block in the scrapbook after rename (http://www.concrete5.org/developers/bugs/5-4-1-1/edit-scrapbook-after-rename/)
Fixes for PHP 5.3 deprecation compatibility.
Fixed bug with "exclude from search index" not working (http://www.concrete5.org/developers/bugs/5-4-1-1/exclude-from-search-index-attribute-has-no-effect/)
Important auto-updated related security updates. Please install this update
More reliable off-site browsing of themes and add-ons in certain server environment (specifically Windows)
Fixed bug in theme customization where quotes caused problems with regular expressions (Thanks andrewpietsch) -http://www.concrete5.org/index.php?cID=141120
PHP 5.2 ziparchive bug fix (http://www.concrete5.org/developers/bugs/5-4-1-1/upgrade-failed-because-of-a-php-5-2-bug/)
"Setup on Child Pages" showing the wrong name (http://www.concrete5.org/developers/bugs/5-4-1-1/problem-with-andquotsetup-on-child-pagesandquot/)
Editing an approved block with a custom style rule should no longer disable the style until page reloads. Instead the style should display as proper
Fixed bug with layout presets not being saved when changed (thanks aharp)
Fixed layout bug where multiple presets on a page used the same CSS ID
Fixed global scrapbook bug where entries could not be edited twice without reloading page.
Fixed global scrapbook bug where caching and editing certain blocks could make global blocks appear out of date.
Fixed XSS vulnerability in login page
Added CSRF protection to scrapbook to fix XSS bugs
Fixed bug where changing case of areas would cause blocks within them to disappear.
Layout bug fix: layouts that couldn't be moved unless the page had been edited once are now movable.
Fixed bug where remote file uploading (with URLs) would fail silently if iconv was not installed.
Fixed bug where email address wasn't included in the list of users if the selectMultipleUsers function in the UserSelector form helper was used.
Fixed bug where pages couldn't be named *view.php
Fixed bug in autonav where Breadcrumbs do not show all pages
Fixed bug in autonav where home page is always selected by nav-path-selected
added a title and alt attribute to page list rss icon
Fixed ordering bug in form block questions
Fixed bugs in the sample content (thanks Mnkras)
Fixed bugs with certain strings not translated
added width/height in attributes when installing without sample content
getting rid of validation token message when editing file sets on multiple pages of file set results
Form export to excel no longer has incorrect file URLs when a site isn't in a root level directory.
Insert link to page when paginating through sitemap no longer dies.
Cache Local no longer fails to delete if cache is disabled

■Updates to Core Components(コアのコンポーネントのアップデート)

Includes TinyMCE
Now including jQuery 1.6.2 and jQuery UI 1.8.14
(jQueryを1.6.2に、jQuery UIを1.8.14にアップデート)
jQuery Form plugin updated to 2.82
(jQuery Formプラグインを2.82にアップデート)
Includes new version of secureimage, with certain vulnerable components removed
Zend Framework components updated
Returned default database collation to UTF-8
Fixed bug where blocks couldn't be reordered in IE9 (due to old jQuery UI)

■Behavioral Improvements(動きの改善)

Added ability to specify whether to maintain old path when moving page
New "Delete Users" task permissions lets you specify who can delete users on your site (thanks Mnkras)
Better defaults and global block handling. More indications of when blocks are actually added via page defaults, and when editing them will disconnect them from page defaults. Better page defaults editing experience. (Thanks Jordan)
Image helper can now automatically crop images to exact width and height intelligently (thanks jordanlev and Kirk Roberts)
Moved guestbook css from inline to another file
Added view.css for survey block
Added en_GB localization to date picker
(カレンダーに en_GB ローカライズを追加しました)
For increased security, a new session ID is created prior to logging in.
Video block now accepts video formats only when choosing files.
page list template now honors "Open External Link in New Window" flag

■Developer Updates(開発者向けアップデート)

Interface helper for adding buttons to the left and right toolbar on the front-end of a concrete5 site.
Made it so that controllers can be called with pages that have hyphens in them ? (e.g. /my-page will map to MyPageController)
(controllerが、ハイフンにもひもづけられるようになりました。(例:/my-page が MyPageController に紐付くように)
New events, including on_group_update, on_group_add, on_page_get_icon on_page_output (thanks Mnkras)
Additional W3C compatibility improvements
Added new HTML5 form field function calls to the form helper
SelectAttributeTypeOption::getByValue() now can take a second parameter of AttributeKey, which limits to that particular attribute.