isEditMode() && $controller->isBlockEmpty()) { ?>
getCollectionName(); if ($page->getCollectionPointerExternalLink() != '') { $url = $page->getCollectionPointerExternalLink(); if ($page->openCollectionPointerExternalLinkInNewWindow()) { $target = '_blank'; } } else { $url = $page->getCollectionLink(); $target = $page->getAttribute('nav_target'); } $target = empty($target) ? '_self' : $target; $description = $page->getCollectionDescription(); $description = $controller->truncateSummaries ? $th->wordSafeShortText($description, $controller->truncateChars) : $description; $thumbnail = false; if ($displayThumbnail) { $thumbnail = $page->getAttribute('thumbnail'); } if (is_object($thumbnail) && $includeEntryText) { $entryClasses = 'new-list-page-entry-horizontal clearfix'; } $date = $dh->formatDateTime($page->getCollectionDatePublic(), true); //Other useful page data... //$last_edited_by = $page->getVersionObject()->getVersionAuthorUserName(); /* DISPLAY PAGE OWNER NAME * $page_owner = UserInfo::getByID($page->getCollectionUserID()); * if (is_object($page_owner)) { * echo $page_owner->getUserDisplayName(); * } */ /* CUSTOM ATTRIBUTE EXAMPLES: * $example_value = $page->getAttribute('example_attribute_handle', 'display'); * * When you need the raw attribute value or object: * $example_value = $page->getAttribute('example_attribute_handle'); */ /* End data preparation. */ /* The HTML from here through "endforeach" is repeated for every item in the list... */ ?>
getThumbnailURL('thumbnail_news_list'); // 設定しておいた"thumbnail_news_list"サムネイルを取得 echo \HtmlObject\Image::create($src)->entities($title)); // alt属性にページ名を指定して表示 ?>